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Curcubron is a mix of water-accessible curcumin, bromelain, nattokinase and Blue Earth Elixir. It is completely natural without artificial additives. It is composed according to the research and recipe of Dr. McCullough.

Contents of bottle: 250 ml

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Curcubron is a mix of water-accessible curcumin, bromelain, nattokinase and Blue Earth Elixir. It is completely natural with no artificial additives.
It is composed according to the research and recipe of Dr. Mc Cullough.

Curcumin is the active ingredient from the Curcuma root, of which only 5% Curcumin is present in the root.
The curcumin has been made water-absorbent in a natural way so that it can be optimally absorbed.

Bromelain is an enzyme found in the pineapple plant. It is a protein-digesting enzyme. Its action (or activity) is expressed in GDU units, which stands for ‘gelatin-digesting units’, a measure of the proteolytic (protein-digesting) activity.

Nattōkinase is an enzyme that is produced when fermenting unshelled soybeans with the probiotic Bacillus subtilis natto bacteria. In Japan, this procedure is used to make the traditional dish Natto. Nattōkinase has a recognized fibrinolytic action (capable of regulating the formation of blood clots).
Nattōkinase contains as much as 20,000 fibrinolytic units per gram (FU/g).

Do not use during pregnancy. If you are using anti-coagulation medication, consult your doctor before use.

Ingredients: Elixir Water, Bromelain, Turmeric Root Extract (95% Curcuminoid), Nattokinase

Recommended dosage:  30 ml once a day
Contents of bottle: 250 ml


Weight0,4 kg
Dimensions14,5 × 6 cm

250 ml


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Bromelain, Elixir water, Nattokinase, turmeric root extract (95% curcuminoid)

